Yes, MG International is registered as a career college under Ontario Career Colleges, 2005.

We strive to help support our students with fee structures that allow them the flexibility and confidence to complete enroll and complete the course.

You may be qualified for Second Career Assistance grants  through Better Jobs Ontario, from the Government of Canada. Please connect with us for more information.

Students who miss an exam due to medical reasons will be required to provide a medical note. You may have the opportunity to rewrite your exam.

According to public health standards and laser equipment standards, pregnancy is a contraindication to a laser. You will be requested to not participate in any laser practical. We will work with you to see which options are best available for you to help you complete the program.

Student information is confidential and subject to FIPPA. Student information is not discussed with any 3rd parties without the consent and knowledge of the student in writing. Students must be present during the disclosure of information and can not be shared with any family members.  Information is stored in authorized access only storage.

Apply in a Career-Focused Diploma Program. | Become a Medical Esthetician in Just 53 Weeks.
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